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Tuesday 24 November 2009

Evaluation. Print

For the research aspect, defining where the the package should be inform, instruct, promote or persuade was particularly good. I had collected a large amount of information for both the history, and primary research that could of taken the package in either direction. Each aspect was considered and if it was useful, developing ideas in each aspect to try and collecting feedback.

I have to admit production media in some areas was limited. Processes were researched and considered although I already had a clear idea on the look I wanted to produce for the final idea, through research of existing products and packaging that I felt worked for the design. I would of liked to include some more processes and experimented but with problems with time management, this wasn’t possible. This isn’t saying I’m not happy with the final design.

Idea development was good, experimenting largely with sketch models worked well, to make sure text was readable at the correct scale, labels at the right scale, enough room for information, clear enough and if colours worked well. Investigating existing packaging and techniques in order to produce function design.

Documentation, organisation and presentation of the work was good this year, kept with my large sheets way of working allowing ideas to be placed quickly and easily, boards weren’t a problem and containing information throughout my blog, which I found much more useful this module with separate blogs than just one. My one problem as the pdf. A new format for this particular module. I can see the point of it, its great to look over your work and self-assess although I felt I’ve missed some work with having to include everything. I suppose once I receive feedback, this will help improve my next module hand in, if it is implemented.

I feel my design was successful. The labels kept to the intentions and considerations I stated, followed an informed approach and included 2 print processes, which also kept to considerations I stated.


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