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Sunday 1 November 2009

Group tutorial preparation

1. What is professional / industrial experience?

Building a knowledge of a professional environment in existing practices, so you can improve your work ethic, professional decisions, learn from mistakes and build skills to help you in a suitable environment.

2. Why is professional / industrial experience important as part of PPD?

1. Because without experience, your development professionally as a designer is flawed.

2. You can't become a strong successful designer in the industry without actually seeing how its already done. You would just be creating in your own little world.

3. Industry requires you to have experience.. You are more likely to get a job at an agency or a project if you've done work before.

4. It helps you as a designer to help you make decisions in what you want to do. You might be ideas driven the work in an agency and find you work better as a proof expert/print tech..

5. You learn so much.

3. How do you gain professional / industrial experience and what form does it take?

1. Trial and error. Learn from mistakes.

2. Creating a client base/contact base. Save all the numbers/websites/emails of agencies and designers you have been in touch with for future reference.

3. Be accessible with a portfolio/blog so people can see up to date work, and show you are available to work.

Blog Home

4. Promote yourself! visit shows/galleries/studio visits and talk to people. Design for yourself, make yourself briefs and ask to work for people.

5. Live work, competitions help if you're no good at making yourself a brief and are usually a fresh way to work.

Don't Panic - Pure

4. What should you aim to gain from professional / industrial experience?

1. information to allow you to become a better designer.

2. Opinions from different creatives for you make decisions on your designs.

3. To learn more about graphic design, how you can earn from it.

4. How graphic design acts as a business, and more than just creating visual responses.



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